2016 正念的力量《減壓,從一粒葡萄乾開始》作者─鮑伯.史鐸博士(Bob Stahl Ph.D)─首度訪台系列課程活動







Over the past 36 years, Mindfulness training has been evidenced can help people:

  • Elevate the quality of sleeping
  • Reduce stress
  • Improve the ability to focus
  • Improve emotion regulation ability
  • Increase working efficiency
  • Make better decisions
  • Build up better relationships


In USA, UK and other developed countries all over the world, mindfulness has been widely

「2016 正念的力量」

─鮑伯˙史鐸博士(Bob Stahl)─首度訪台系列課程活動

“The power of mindfulness 2016”
The series of courses are led by Bob Stahl Ph.D., one of the most experienced and best mindfulness teachers in USA, on his very first time teaching in Taiwan.


l  循序漸進,由淺入深 

l  強化正念內功,而非表層技術 

l  五日課程符合麻州大學正念中心(CFM),對參與正念師資培訓的先決基本要求 

l  五日課程在環境優美的高級渡假中心,在舒適環境下來一趟心的旅行 

l  二日課程在國北教大古色古香的禮堂,城市中的沉澱殿堂 

l  全程提供營養蔬食,讓身體新鮮一下 

l  好老師、好翻譯、好環境、(好住宿、)好修練、好幸福   


Features of this series 

l  Gradually deepening the practice 

l  Improving personal inside power rather than outside skills 

l  The 5-day retreat fits the prerequisite for MBSR teacher certification training of Center for Mindfulness in Umass medical school 

l  The 5-day retreat locates in a beautiful and high-class resort, a comfortable place for a mind travel 

l  2-day workshop locates in a historical hall of Nt. Tp. U. of Edu., a wonderful place for settling 

l  Fresh vegetable foods are offered to refresh to body. 

l  Good teacher, good translators, good environment, (good accommodation,) good practice, good life



Ø   對自我實現有興趣者

Ø   對正念好奇者,可綜觀正念訓練的樣貌。

Ø   正念實踐者,可強化正念落實於日常生活的力道,提升自己的幸福能力。

Ø   正念教學者,可以提升正念內力,精進正念的教學能力。

Ø   對提升生存品質與心的品質有興趣的朋友

Ø   對自我療癒有興趣的朋友

Ø   想將正念運用於自身、家庭、工作與人際的朋友

Ø   對當代正念訓練發源地─美國麻州大學醫學院正念中心(CFM)─有興趣的朋友

Ø   上過正念課程的朋友,例如正念減壓、正念認知治療、其他正念療法或訓練

Ø   想將正念運用於工作者,例如企業主、人資部門、心理師、社工師、醫師、護理師、老師、教練、訓練師、治療師等


Who fits these courses?

Ø   Interested in self-fulfillment

Ø   Curious about mindfulness. Good way to have a comprehensive view of mindful training.

Ø   Practitioner. Improving the way to embody mindfulness in everyday life and enhancing the ability of being happy.

Ø   Mindfulness teacher. Improving the inner mindfulness power and upgrading the teaching ability.

Ø   Interested in enhancing living quality and mind quality.

Ø   Caring for self-healing ability.

Ø   Wishing to bring mindfulness to Self, family, work and interpersonal relationship.

Ø   Finished mindfulness trainings, e.g. MBSR, MBCT and other mindfulness therapies or trainings

Ø   Wishing to apply mindfulness to work, e.g. executive, HR, counselor, social worker, physician, nurse, teacher, couch, trainer, therapist etc.


※開門【正念大視野 : 公開演講】 

(Opening speech : The big scope of mindfulness)

日期 : 105311
時間 : 19:00-21:00
地點 : 國立台北教育大學 雨賢廳
學費 : 每人500

Date : March 11 th, 2016
Time : 7-9 pm
Location :Yu-Xian Hall, National Taipei U. of Education

Tuition : NT$500 per person


※相遇【 遇見自在平和的自己  : 二日正念探索工作坊】

( Encountering the peaceful Self: 2-day mindfulness exploring workshop)

日期 : 105312-13
時間 : 09:00-17:00
地點 : 國立台北教育大學 禮堂
學費 : 每人9000


Date : March 12-13, 2016
Time : 9:00-17:00
Location :Main Hall, National Taipei U. of Education
Tuition : NT$9000 per person

※深入【與大師一起修煉 : 五日正念專修營】


(5-day residential mindfulness retreat: deeper practice with Bob)

日期 : 105年3/16 中午 至 3/20 下午
地點 : 統一馬武督高級渡假中心
學費 : 每人28000元
4晚住宿特惠(2人一間,床分開) : 標準兩人房每人5000元,豪華雙人房每人6600元

◎ 住宿之室友由飯店統一安排,若您有指定室友,雙方均須註明彼此。

Date : March 11th, 2016
Time : 3/16 noon to 3/20 3PM
Location : Uni-Resort Mawudu
Tuition : NT$28000 per person

4-night lodging fee, 2 peeple/room: 2 single bed room NT$5000, 2 double bed room NT$6600




國立台北教育大學 雨賢廳 / 台北教育大學


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